50th Annual Dwiggins Lecture: Stephen Coles
6:00 PM18:00

50th Annual Dwiggins Lecture: Stephen Coles

  • Boston Public Library, Rabb Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Warmth & Snap: What New Type Owes WA Dwiggins

Nearly a century ago, as W. A. Dwiggins was nearing 50 years old, he partnered with the Mergenthaler Linotype company to do something he’d never done in his long career: create new typefaces. The resulting designs—such as Metro, Electra, and Caledonia—were instant hits, and are still in use today. They have generated revivals, reinterpretations, and reprises. And the principles of humanism and liveliness that compelled Dwiggins to alter the course of his career continue to guide new type designers. We’ll look at fresh faces steeped in Dwiggins’s legacy (intentional or not), and consider recent trends in a newly burgeoning craft.

50th Annual Dwiggins Lecture, co-sponsored with the Boston Public Library. This talk is open to the public.

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Lisa Rosowsky: Sauf Conduit: The Art and Craft of Documentary Forgery in WWII France
5:30 PM17:30

Lisa Rosowsky: Sauf Conduit: The Art and Craft of Documentary Forgery in WWII France

  • 77 Mount Vernon Street Boston, MA 02108 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Annual Members Meeting

Life for citizens in WWII-era France was one of privation—and was also awash in official documents. As the country was carved up into zones both free and occupied, people were required to carry identification at all times. Town halls and police prefecture kept current records; all employers, from the largest companies to small shops, issued proof of employment. And every document was signed, witnessed, and stamped (often multiple times) in a bureaucratic system that created endless paperwork.

Those who found themselves in danger of arrest and deportation needed access to “dossiers” of false papers, whether they planned to flee the country or hide in plain sight. Organizations that aided Jews and other refugees quickly recognized the need for forged documents, and began to build networks of those with the skills to create them. Some forgers, such as Adolfo Kaminsky in Paris and Oscar Rosowsky in Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, used their training in chemistry and typewriter repair to adapt or invent methods of document alteration and reproduction that helped to save the lives of thousands of individuals.

Early forgery techniques involved hand-carving replicas of official seals and stamps. Members of La Sixieme recount clandestinely slicing out scraps of the linoleum flooring beneath their seats in subway cars to carve later. More detailed originals were nearly impossible to replicate until two existing technologies were adapted to change the game: stencil duplicators and photoengraving.

This talk is the result of three years of research: handling forged materials at the offsite archives of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; looking at forgers’ own collections of purloined stamps and seals on microfiche at the Musée de la Shoah in Paris; and visiting the small town of Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, where Rosowsky set up his printing workshop in a stone barn, warmed in the winter by cows. She will present the work of some of the best-known French forgers and discuss the printing techniques they adapted to create documents that looked genuine enough to pass inspection under life-or-death circumstances. 

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Sara Eichner: Sense of Space / Sense of Place: From Art Making to Map Making
5:30 PM17:30

Sara Eichner: Sense of Space / Sense of Place: From Art Making to Map Making

  • 77 Mount Vernon Street Boston, MA 02108 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sara Eichner, artist, cartographer, and designer, is co-founder of Studio 2263, a data science and design studio. Her work tackles urban and environmental challenges by combining creative design and data visualization to communicate complex information to the public. The data is the medium and the encoding is the art that informs the design. She will describe projects from New York City and beyond that use data and cartography in custom digital tools and printed documents to capture some of the stories unique to those places. 

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Zach Lieberman: Future Sketches
5:30 PM17:30

Zach Lieberman: Future Sketches

  • 77 Mount Vernon Street Boston, MA 02108 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This talk will focus on Zach Lieberman's artistic practice, his decades long work with collaborators, investigations into augmented reality, and new tools for drawing and interactive play.  It will also explore his community building and educational work, introducing projects like openFrameworks and the School for Poetic Computation, an experimental school he helped co-found.   He will also showcase the work of the Future Sketches group at the Media Lab, which is investigating and helping to shape what art and design of the future may look like. 

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Dan Keleher of Wild Carrot Letterpress & Thorsten Dennerline of Bird Press
5:30 PM17:30

Dan Keleher of Wild Carrot Letterpress & Thorsten Dennerline of Bird Press

  • 77 Mount Vernon Street Boston, MA 02108 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Since the mid-1990’s, printer Daniel Keleher and visual artist Thorsten Dennerline have worked together at Wild Carrot Letterpress in a variety of roles and projects. They met when Thorsten found Wild Carrot in the yellow pages and got a job helping in the shop, which developed into a complex collaborative relationship.

Their work methodology reflects their shared interest in machines of various kinds and in the highest refinement of fabrication of art and objects, mixed with acceptance of chaos and disarray. They also share a philosophy of equilibrium between high and low art/culture.

Using examples of their collaborative printing and artist books, this presentation will explore the place where working with craft (material) merges with conceptual practice.

*Please note this meeting is on the second Wednesday due to the New Year’s holiday.

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Steve Galbraith: Printing in Virtual Reality: An Educational Experience with The Kelmscott/Goudy Press
5:30 PM17:30

Steve Galbraith: Printing in Virtual Reality: An Educational Experience with The Kelmscott/Goudy Press

  • 77 Mount Vernon Street Boston, MA 02108 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Annual Rheault Lecture

Over the course of five years, Dr. Steven Galbraith, Curator of RIT’s Cary Graphic Arts Collection, and Shaun Foster, RIT Professor of 3D Design, collaborated with 15 students to create a Virtual Reality experience in which users learn how to print on a 19th-century cast iron printing press. The centerpiece of the experience is a 3D model of the Kelmscott/Goudy Press, a press once owned by William Morris and Frederic Goudy, and now preserved at RIT’s Cary Graphic Arts Collection. Dr. Galbraith will recount the creative process, from producing an accurate 3D model of the Kelmscott/Goudy Press to designing the experience to capturing the sounds of the press at work. After the presentation, participants will be invited to try out the experience and virtually print a leaf from William Morris’s edition of the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer (1896).

Steve Galbraith is Curator of the Cary Graphic Arts Collection, Rochester Institute of Technology

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Alicia Cheng: This Is What Democracy Looked Like: A Visual History of the Printed Ballot
5:30 PM17:30

Alicia Cheng: This Is What Democracy Looked Like: A Visual History of the Printed Ballot

  • 77 Mount Vernon Street Boston, MA 02108 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The humble ballot illuminates the noble but highly flawed process at the heart of our American democracy. This talk traces the visual story of the printed ballot, from early handwritten tickets to colorful and typographically outlandish examples from the 19th century. Responding to the explosive growth of an evolving electorate as well as a legacy of fraud, the struggle for suffrage, and concerns about voting security, the ballot reveals insights into our electoral process both past and present.

Alicia Cheng is Head of Design at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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Jana Dambrogio: Letterlocking: The Hidden History of the Letter
5:30 PM17:30

Jana Dambrogio: Letterlocking: The Hidden History of the Letter

  • 77 Mount Vernon Street Boston, MA 02108 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Before the invention of the gummed envelope in the 1830s, how did people secure their private letters? The answer is letterlocking—the ingenious process of folding, slitting, and securing a letter with a strip of paper and sealing wax so that it becomes its own envelope. The practice, used by historical figures ranging from Elizabeth I and her spymaster to Japanese samurai lords, and now nearly entirely forgotten, was an everyday activity for centuries, across cultures, borders, and social classes. 

Jana Dambrogio provides a sneak peek at Letterlocking, a monograph co-authored by Dambrogio and Daniel Starza Smith, experts who have pioneered the field over the last ten years. The book tells the fascinating story of letterlocking within epistolary history, drawing on real historical examples from all over the world. 

Attendees will have the opportunity to unlock and lock letter models. 

*Please note this meeting is on the second Wednesday of the month due to the Rosh Hashanah holiday.

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Pilgrimage to Peabody Essex Musuem
9:00 AM09:00

Pilgrimage to Peabody Essex Musuem

Draw Me Ishmael: The Book Arts of Moby Dick is the first exhibition focused on the book arts of the hundreds of editions published since 1851: the illustrations, binding designs, typography and even the physical structures. Drawn almost entirely from the Phillips Library collection, this intimate gallery space explores decades of creative approaches to interpreting the novel visually in book form. It will shed some light on Melville’s original inspiration and include a contemporary update through recent artists’ books, graphic novels, a translation into emoji and pop-up books. Think untraditionally and independently about Moby Dick, appreciate the variety of approaches to visualizing the novel and explore copies of more than 50 books on display.

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