Meeting Payment - $60
Are you looking to streamline your meeting payment process? Fantastic.
Did you make a reservation and were unable to attend the meeting?
The Society must still pay the chef for your uneaten meal.
Please make your meeting payment by clicking the button below.
If you hosted a guest, please include payment for each as well.
While not mandatory, if you enjoyed a cocktail or two, and wine with your meal, or you plan to, please add at least $5.00 to defray the substantial cost of the open bar.
Note: PayPal skims 2.9% + .45¢ on each transaction.
We heavily subsidize the cost of meetings, so please consider increasing your payment to defray our 2023 cost of $87.00 per attendee.
Thank you.
Please remember to contact the Secretary to RSVP, and to specify any special meal requirements.
If you have any questions, please email treasurer (at)